Set up Should Review Guest Rule Action

Note: This feature is currently only for Guesty users.

Sparrow Intel's rules engine allows users to toggle Guesty's auto-review functionality on and off on a per-reservation level as a result of Sparrow's review predictions.

Note this functionality is for host-to-guest reviews (not requests for the guest to leave you a review and not public review replies). For Guesty users, this feature is supported for Airbnb and Vrbo when configured correctly.

For example, you can ensure that auto-review is "on" in Guesty for guests who are likely to leave you a good review (i.e. positive review predictions), while toggling Guesty's auto-review "off" for guests less likely to leave a good review (i.e. negative review predictions).

Setup Steps:

  1. In Guesty, ensure you have set up auto reviews for all of your active properties. Please carefully follow Guesty's guide linked here:
  2. In Sparrow Intel, set up a rules with rule actions of "Should Review Guest". Please watch the video below for full details!
  1. Once the two steps above are set up, you should be good to go!
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